Long-term Solutions to Accelerated Global Warming

At right, below "What is a Wedge?," are links to three proposed solutions to our climate emergency, the top being my low-tech and conservation-oriented plan, the next being a tech-heavy plan of a prominent scientist/politician, and the third being the inept Obama Energy Plan. If technology-dependent plans are adopted, by the time it becomes painfully obvious that they won't work, that will be too late. I feel that solutions relying heavily on technology will allow our excessively consumptive ways to carry on, and therefore are doomed to failure because we cannot continue forever on a path of endless growth on a finite planet. Most of the posts on this site explain my ideas in further detail. I think the best solution is right here: Relocalization, not Militarization.

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As this is a blog that displays posts reverse-chronologically, if you are interested in starting with my first post, see the Blog Archive at right and start with Climate Change Basics. If you wish to make a comment that disagrees with the causes, or trivializes the severity, of accelerated global warming, then this is not the cyber site for you. Such comments will not be posted. To post your actions, click here.

11 February 2009

Population Wedge

Population Reduction

Now here's a hot topic. And many non-profits stay away from this, even ones pushing for fairly sane climate policies. I was told by one that pushing for human population reduction will unfairly put the burden on women and people of color. I'd say that totally depends on how it is implemented. There has to be a program that educates and empowers women, so that they have control over their lives. See Population Connection. When women are given choices, they generally choose to have fewer children.

Insist that there be language in the treaty to be signed this December at the international climate meeting in Denmark that:

• Agrees to a goal of stopping the CO2 level before it hits 400 ppm, then reducing GHG emissions to a CO2 equivalent of 350 ppm by 2080. Emphasize that this agreement cannot be diluted with “market” solutions.

• Requires nations to set targets for stabilizing, then reducing human population, and expects them to initiate a plan for this by 2012.

In Your Country
Pressure your elected officials to adopt:

• The aforementioned population priority plan, clearly showing the relationships between population, women’s rights, carrying capacity, overshoot and climate change. Set a goal for stabilization by 2015 and an annual 3% reduction in place by 2020. Insist on tax breaks for having no children, and extra taxes for any family choosing to have more than two after 2013. Heavy funding for women’s rights and sex education will be needed.

Lifestyle Changes that Affect this Wedge
• If you want children of your own, consider adopting. If you cannot afford that option, consider foster-parenting, which can lead to adoption.
• Work/donate to alleviate poverty and educate women, particularly in non-industrial nations.

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