Long-term Solutions to Accelerated Global Warming

At right, below "What is a Wedge?," are links to three proposed solutions to our climate emergency, the top being my low-tech and conservation-oriented plan, the next being a tech-heavy plan of a prominent scientist/politician, and the third being the inept Obama Energy Plan. If technology-dependent plans are adopted, by the time it becomes painfully obvious that they won't work, that will be too late. I feel that solutions relying heavily on technology will allow our excessively consumptive ways to carry on, and therefore are doomed to failure because we cannot continue forever on a path of endless growth on a finite planet. Most of the posts on this site explain my ideas in further detail. I think the best solution is right here: Relocalization, not Militarization.

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11 February 2009

Biochar Wedge

Biochar, done to minimize any release of GHG gasses, requires an oven, so it is a techno-fix. And it requires tilling the soil, but only once. As I understand it, there is much need for more R&D, but the potential for this seems worthy. However, growing crops just to burn them is a market-driven scheme and will have a net deficit to our world. Biochar, if done small-scale for local use, and using only agricultural waste, could play a small role in sequestering carbon, but I doubt it would ever amount to even one wedge. If you get behind this, here is a starting point for donating.


Insist that there be language in the treaty to be signed this December at the international climate meeting in Denmark that:

• Agrees to a goal of stopping the CO2 level before it hits 400 ppm, then reducing GHG emissions to a CO2 equivalent of 350 ppm by 2080. Emphasize that this agreement cannot be diluted with “market” solutions.

• Requires nations to research and develop small-scale biochar for local use instead of carbon capture and storage technology.

In Your Country
Pressure your elected officials to adopt:

• The aforementioned biochar research and development plan. In the US Farm Bills of 2007 & 2008, Biochar research received funding. That is a start.

Lifestyle Changes that Affect this Wedge
• Talk to people about this, get them on board and vocal!

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