I cannot stress enough that cap-and-trade is the equivalent of a sub-prime "fix" to curbing greenhouse gas emissions. It is a deeply flawed market-based scheme. If you'd really like to understand this, please read this paper (PDF) from Laurie and Allan.
On their website, you can also find this sample letter:
Subject: Cap-and-Trade vs. Carbon-Fees-with-100%-Rebate
Dear Representative:
To date there has been a lot of publicity about the tragedies that can result if climate change is not addressed promptly by a rapid transition away from fossil fuels to clean energy. However, there has been a lot less debate and very little public education on the alternatives for getting our economy to make this transition. Specifically, there has been little news and little debate on the choice between Cap-and-Trade vs. Carbon-Fees-With-100%-Rebate.
While many politicians are advocating Cap-and-Trade, I am asking you to become educated about the alternative of Carbon-Fees-With-100% Rebate. Please visit www.carbonfees.org to learn more about the potential for this alternative market mechanism to create the incentives necessary to rapidly transition to a post-fossil fuel economy. In addition, I also ask that you obtain expert input from economists and scientists as well as educating the public about both the urgency of the problem and the factors to consider in making this important choice.
Thank you for your consideration.
And here is an important excerpt from Laurie and Allan's paper sited above:
Given the huge momentum that cap-and-trade has developed, it is critical for every concerned citizen who believes this decision deserves additional scrutiny to communicate with their elected representatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues. . . In addition, some surveys have indicated that many people are afraid of carbon taxes or fees, even with rebates. Our belief is that the issues of urgency, effectiveness, and relative cost to consumers of cap-and-trade v carbon fees with 100% rebate have not been effectively explained to the public. We encourage you to help your friends, families, neighbors and colleagues understand these issues as the most pressing ones we face, even at this time of economic crisis.
While the recent debate on how to rescue the economy has tended to overshadow the debate on climate change, as many people have noted, the economic crisis has provided an opportunity. It has made it clear that massive investments must be made to stimulate the economy. The question is how to make those decisions wisely. Carbon fees with 100% rebate has the advantages of costing the government very little, returning all proceeds equally to everyone to fund continued spending on energy, and creating huge incentives for climate-saving changes. The fact that little government spending would be needed to scale-up clean energy technology would leave more room for any stimulus package to focus on the other necessary measures, such as funding for green-jobs training and a new comprehensive system of efficient transmission lines.
So, because I sent the above sample letter a month ago, and to show my awareness of the Waxman-Markey bill (H.R. 2454), here is the letter I'm sending to my representative.
Dear Representative:
As the likelihood of catastrophic climate change increases with almost every new climate science study released, prompt rapid transition away from fossil fuels to clean energy is critical. One excellent part of the solution that has garnered very little public attention is Carbon-Fees-With-100%-Rebate. This approach has three very significant advantages: costing the government very little; returning all proceeds equally to everyone to fund continued spending on energy; and creating huge incentives for climate-saving changes.
While Congressmen Waxman and Markey (and many others) are advocating Cap-and-Trade, I am asking you once again to become educated about the alternative of Carbon-Fees-With-100% Rebate. Please visit www.carbonfees.org to learn more about the potential for this alternative market mechanism to create the incentives necessary to rapidly transition to a post-fossil fuel economy. Specifically, read their 17-page Cap-and-Trade vs. Carbon Fees discussion paper. In addition, I again ask that you obtain expert input from economists and scientists as well as educating the public about both the urgency of the problem and the factors to consider in making this critical choice. I hope you will then begin urging your fellow Congresspersons to support Carbon-Fees-With-100% Rebate.
Thank you for your consideration.
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