Long-term Solutions to Accelerated Global Warming

At right, below "What is a Wedge?," are links to three proposed solutions to our climate emergency, the top being my low-tech and conservation-oriented plan, the next being a tech-heavy plan of a prominent scientist/politician, and the third being the inept Obama Energy Plan. If technology-dependent plans are adopted, by the time it becomes painfully obvious that they won't work, that will be too late. I feel that solutions relying heavily on technology will allow our excessively consumptive ways to carry on, and therefore are doomed to failure because we cannot continue forever on a path of endless growth on a finite planet. Most of the posts on this site explain my ideas in further detail. I think the best solution is right here: Relocalization, not Militarization.

For New Visitors to this Blog
As this is a blog that displays posts reverse-chronologically, if you are interested in starting with my first post, see the Blog Archive at right and start with Climate Change Basics. If you wish to make a comment that disagrees with the causes, or trivializes the severity, of accelerated global warming, then this is not the cyber site for you. Such comments will not be posted. To post your actions, click here.

02 April 2009

Another example of changes happening MUCH faster than predicted

I found this on Climate Ark tonight.

More depressing news, I know. But on the upside, the EPA says it has the power to stop mountain-top removal coal mining! Now let's see if they really do. A letter to their head encouraging such action isn't a bad idea. If I find one, or get one together soon, I'll share it.

I haven't posted anything yet about my actions/my work on climate change. I have to admit I have been swallowed up by a paid job and by the beauty of Spring and all the gardening it beckons. Most of my climate change time of late has been just reading to stay somewhat up to date with events. And I'm still researching groups, but barely squeezing in time for reading up on them. I do intend to make this a priority after April 20, so expect to see a post about volunteer possibilities near the end of the month.

Thanks for checking in...

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